1. Cracking: Is it Right For You?
2. Resources Required
2.1 PCM (PoedCrackMod) Tutorial
2.2 ClutchPatched Tutorial
3. Uploading the Cracked App
3.1 Deciding Where to Upload
3.2 Copy to Computer and Upload
3.3 Upload Directly From iDevice
4. Sit Back and Relax
5. [NEW] Video Tutorials
1. Cracking: Is it Right For You?
Most crackers have many apps that they own. Like me. I do have many apps. And I love cracking them for people to use. But remember this:
Cracking takes up space!
It's a good idea to be very consistent with updates and such. For example, I always check for updates every morning and throughout the day. But you can check whenever you want.
Do these two requirements comply with you? If so, you are ready to be a cracker! If not, that's ok. I would just suggest improving them. But in the meantime, you can still follow this tutorial.
2. Resources Required
When first starting to crack apps, you may be a tad bit confused. I know that I sure was when I started. I used Crackulous and barely understood the blasted thing. But now, you must realize (I hope) that Hackulo, Installous, and AppTrackr are all gone. And this will always be looked upon as the time piracy hit a major bump in the road. But don't fret. There are many other applications out there! A great example is iPASTORE. I myself support the owner (WarLock) and even CrackLords support him. So I love it. It also looks like AppTrackr, so hopefully it will not confuse you much. (see more on applications below)
2.1 PCM (PoedCrackMod) Tutorial
PCM will not crack ARMv7s apps. For those apps, I suggest reading ahead to ClutchPatched. This is supposed to be able to crack the ARMv7s protection with ease.This may be one of the most used scripts out there when it comes to cracking. The issue with this script, is that most people do not like having to install of it's dependencies. But worry not. That is why I am here. To help you get all of the required pieces to get PCM installed and cracking!
1. Add the following repository to Cydia:
2. After Cydia refreshes packages, install the following packages: GNU Debugger (be sure to use the one for your iOS version), Pod2g's ASLR Tools, and PoedCrackMod. Also search for the following if it does not install automatically with PCM: MobileTerminal and Screen. There may be other dependencies, but they will install automatically if so. (I believe that ldone is a required package, and this is also located on the CrackLords repo)
3. After installing, your device may respring. After this, open iFile (or install it from sinfuliphonerepo via Cydia)
4. Make your way to the directory /usr/bin/ (no 'var' or any of that)
5. Once in the /usr/bin/ directory, you will see many scripts. Do not touch any of these.
6. Locate r25Lr17.sh. I highly reccomend renaming this file. For example, mine is named pcm. Easy to remember. (the .sh is not required for the script to work)
7. Tap on the newly renamed 'pcm' file and press 'Text Viewer'.
8. After opening pcm, scroll down and locate 'PCMcracker=' and add your cracker name. For example, mine is IPASuperior.
9. Next, I suggest changing the 'PCMextras=' to "NO". (this will remove annoying addons)
10. Scroll down some more and look for 'PCMartistfrommeta='. I highly suggest changing this to "NO", unless you want to see the company that made that app in the final IPA.
11. This is optional, but the next option down, 'PCMrealnamemenu=', I use "YES". I do this as to make finding the proper app name is easy.
Otherwise, you may be slightly confused when cracking your apps.
12. Now comes the fun part. You are going to set the compression settings. This is ESSENTIAL to having small IPA's. This makes uploading easy, and downloading also easy.
You will see 'PCMcompression='. The maximum compression is "-9". That is what I use. It will take longer to crack and package the app, but the final IPA will be MUCH smaller than if you did not use "-9". (see above picture)
13. After changing these settings, you may exit iFile. You can also spend time and choose to change any other settings if you seem fit to do so.
Now that you have installed ALL of the above packages and set up your pcm file, you are ready to begin cracking!
Open the MobileTerminal app found on the springboard of the iDevice.
Type in the following command EXACTLY:
su root
This will allow you to use MobileTerminal as root, also knows as all-powerful-god mode.
Press return. It will ask for a password. Your default password is:
This can be changed later on. (google is your friend here) After logging in under root, you will be able to crack apps perfectly. Next, you will type in:
pcm -m
And press return. (this is why I said to rename it to pcm. That way you don't have to type in the r25Lr17.sh every time you want to crack an app, and the -m will open it menu style so you just have to find the app name and enter in a few characters)
Find the name of the app you wish to crack and look at the set of letters in front of the app's name. (for this tutorial, I will be cracking an app called Where's My Water?.
But if you look on my springboard at the app's name, it just says 'Water?'. Using this advanced menu choice (when we entered "YES" at the 'PCMrealnamemenu=') you only have to look for what you remember the app name by. (please note that this will sometimes put the apps in a weird order) But, Where's My Water is a funny application, and does not follow these rules.
It will come up as WheresMyWater or something like that.
Type in the letters associated with the app and press return. You are now cracking!! Some apps use ASLR protection, but this is why we installed the ASLR tools.
When you are completely done cracking the app, (may take a long time) you can find the newly made IPA in /var/root/documents/cracked/ via iFile.
You will see an 'Lr17' after your cracker name. This is removable by just erasing it. (I know there is a choice somewhere in the PCM script, but I have not had the time to find it)
<You may skip 2.2 unless you want to know how to use ClutchPatched also>
2.2 ClutchPatched Tutroial
ClutchPatched is a unique version of Clutch (an old cracking script) that was modified to work with ARMv7s. FaultyClones actually set out to do this, and if I remember right, ttwj is the person that made this happen.
Remember: Only really use this if you are cracking ARMv7s applications. No, there is not a jailbreak out yet for the iPhone 5, but when there is, this will be the script to use. (unless PCM is updated)
Now, before I start. I do not use ClutchPatched that much. I just know how it works. That is why I am listing it here.
INSTALLING ClutchPatched:
1. Add the following repository to Cydia:
2. After Cydia refreshes packages, go to Manage and Sources. Look for a source titled 'FAULTYCLONES Repo'. Tap it.
3. Install a package named 'Clutch'. It may be named weird, (Like MyApplication or some weird thing like that) and I do not know why they have named some of their packages oddly. You will also need to install MobileTerminal and Screen. If there are any other dependencies, Cydia will automatically install those.
4. After installing everything, open the MobileTerminal
app and type in:
su root
It will then proceed to ask you for a password. The default root password is:
You may change this at a later date. (google) 5. Now that you have root access, you can proceed with
cracking. Type in:
(it has to have the capital C, otherwise it will not load the script) and press return. 6. Clutch will list all of your installed apps. (they might have weird names. Use iFile to find the actual names of your apps) 7. You
will then type:
Clutch <exact name that Clutch lists>
8. After cracking, you can use iFile and go to /var/root/documents/cracked/ and find your app there. (note, it will only have the app name then -
3. Uploading the Cracked App
Uploading. The most fun part of being a cracker. If the app is small, it will upload quickly. If it is big, it may take a little while to upload. Below are 2 different ways to upload your app simply and quickly.
3.1 Deciding Where to Upload
I suggest using a service called iPASTORE. If you have ever been to AppTrackr, you will notice that iPASTORE looks exactly the same. (as the owner, WarLock, borrowed some of the HTML found on AppTrackr's page)
iPASTORE's website (http://ipastore.me/) Is currently down as WarLock is upgrading his servers.
Now, as most of these services will require you to use certain filehosts. For example, AppTrackr allowed only, (if I remember right) 7 filehosts or so around the time of closure. So your choices are usually slim. But with iPASTORE, the owner, WarLock, will take requests for filehosts. He just tests them out to make sure they are compatible with his program.
Below are the 2 major ways to upload. I suggest reading both.
3.2 Copy to Computer and Upload
To copy the IPA to your computer, be sure to have iTunes installed and download iFunBox. You can use this application just like iFile and browse your iDevice's file system. Just again go to /var/root/documents/cracked/ and drag the IPA straight to your desktop or other folder. To upload directly from the iDevice, you can install a tweak in Cydia named 'Safari Upload Enabler'. This will allow you to upload the IPA to the site of your choosing. (it must be compatible with the service, for example AppTrackr, when it was up, only allowed certain filehosts)
After copying to your computer, go the the service you want to use and find their whitelist of filehosts. Go to one of these filehosts and press the 'Upload' button. Browse your computer for the IPA, select it, and commence uploading. Please remember to not close the window, or the upload will fail.
Then you'll just go to the site of your choice, (iPASTORE, AppCake) and if you haven't already, make a new account. You may have to check your e-mail to verify it though. Then you just click the 'Submit App' button. You will be brought to a page that will ask for the iTunes link. Best way to find this is to go to google and search for the app's name. Then open the iTunes page and copy the url. Paste this in the space asking for the iTunes link.
Now your app should be done uploading. Just take your download link(s) and paste them into the spaces and press 'Submit App'. Wait a few seconds, and bam. You've uploaded!
3.3 Upload Directly From iDevice
Before you can upload from your iDevice, you have to install a tweak in Cydia named 'Safari Upload Enabler'. This will allow you to upload the IPA to the site of your choosing. (it must be compatible with the service, for example AppTrackr, when it was up, only allowed certain filehosts) To upload this way, you might a bit confused. Basically go to the filehost, and tap on a big 'UPLOAD' button. Then, a new window will pop up asking what file you want to upload. Just make your way to /var/root/documents/cracked/ and tap on the IPA you are uploading. Please note, that you must stay on this page in Safari the ENTIRE time it is uploading. After it uploads, remember to copy the download link!!
Then you'll just go to the site of your choice, (iPASTORE, AppCake) and if you haven't already, make a new account. You may have to check your e-mail to verify it though. Then you just press the 'Submit App' button. You will be brought to a page that will ask for the iTunes link. Best way to find this is to go to google and search for the app's name. Then open the iTunes page and copy the url. Paste this in the space asking for the iTunes link.
Now you just take your download link(s) and paste them into the spaces and press 'Submit App'. Wait a few seconds, and bam. You've uploaded!
4. Sit Back and Relax
See that? You're a cracker! You have successfully cracked your very first app and have uploaded it to a site. Are you proud of yourself? You should be. So, just sit back. Relax. And have a great time!
(iPASTORE is the property of WarLock, all rights reserved)
(CrackLords and their repo are owned by CrackLords. If you wish to have your repo and other stuff removed, please contact me)
(FaultyClones and their repo are owned by FAULTYCLONES. If you wish to have your repo and other information removed, please contact me)
5. Video Tutorials
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